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Gospel = .......................... news

God lives in ........................... while we live in the ............................. dimension.

God gives us ................................. in the Bible to show He is all powerful and all knowing. God c............................ all things.

God l...................... us.

God has made ......... in His likeness. God made us to ...................... For Him.

He rewards us for doing so. He has created an inbuilt ....................... for Him in us.

John 10:10: "The .................... comes to ......................., ....................... and ........................ but I have come to give you a life that is ab........................ ."

Isaiah 55: "Seek the Lord while you can ...................... Him. Call on Him while He is ................... . Turn from ........................ ways. Turn to the ............................. and He will have .................. on you."

God says: "My thoughts are ............ your thoughts and My .................. are not your ..............."

God has given us a ................................ so that we walk around with knowledge about right and wrong ............................ .

God has given His marvelous ........................ of great beauty and complexity, intelligently ............................... to show people His ............................. and ............................ .

Romans 1:20: "People can clearly .................. God's invisible qualities ... so they have no .............................. for not knowing ........................... . ........................... is God's enemy and is the leader of the fallen ......................... . He convinced Adam and ............... to ................................. against God and take fruit from the tree of ....................................... between ...................... and .......................... ."

Romans 3:10-18: "N................ is good. ........................... has understanding ............ is seeking God. .......... have turned away from God. .................... have done wrong. They have no f...... of God to restrain them."

Psalm 9:17: "The wicked shall be turned into h.......... .

God sent ............ to live a perfect life, ................................ miracles and teach us how to ................. . He was ........................... on a cross because He called Himself ............... ."

John 3:16: "God .................the world so much that He gave His only ................ So that whosoever believes in Him will not ..................... but have ....................... life."

Romans 5:8: "God sent ........................ to ................. for us while we were still ........................"

When you accept Jesus as your ..................................... He becomes your ......................... . Your desire will be to please God by doing His ..................... .

The first and great commandment from God: "......... the Lord your God with all your ................., ........................ and .................... . ........................... your ........................ as yourself." (from Matthew 22:37-39)

A phony is someone who calls himself a Christian yet does not ............. everybody. Jesus said about these: "Why do you call Me Lord when you do not .................. Me. The true Christian is rewarded. The thief comes to ..........., .................. and destroy but I (Jesus) have come to give you ............... to the full."

We need to test all this to see if this gospel is true. God has given us ..................... to show that Jesus is His Son sent to .............. us from ................. .

Micah 5:2: "Out of ................... will come a ruler of Israel whose origins are from the distant past."

Isaiah 7:14: "The ....................... shall have a child called I........................... . "

Isaiah 9:1-2: "Galilee of the G.................... will be filled with glory."

Isaiah 11:10: "The heir to ..................'s throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world"

Isaiah 28:16: "The Lord is placing a f....................... stone in Jerusalem."

Isaiah 42:1: "My servant is My chosen one and I am .................... with Him."

Crucifixion: Psalm 22:18: "They divided My ........................... among themselves and threw ............ for My garments." (.......................... soldiers did this at the cross).

Isaiah 53:3: "He was ............................. and rejected, a man of ....................... and acquainted with .............................. . We turned our backs on Him and ......................... the other way. ....He was ..................... for our sins. He was .................... that we might have peace. All of us have strayed like .................. . We have left God's .................. to follow our own. Yet the Lord has laid on Him the ........................ of us all."

Psalm 118:22: "The stone the builders rejected has become the ........................."

There are over ............ texts predicting the life and death of ..................... in the Old Testament

How can this happen unless God is in ..........................?

Daniel's interpretation of the King of Babylon's dream is another God-given prophecy. The statue has a ............................ head, a ........................ body, a bronze waist and .................. legs. These predicted the historic ......................... of the world accurately.

There is so much evidence for God as our Father who .......... us and wants our .................. in return. But most people refuse God in their ..................... because they are on the .................. that leads to ....................... . There are ............... who choose to go through the ..................... door that leads to .......................... life.






  1. Did you have any doubts about God's existence in the past?

    What evidence helped you to see God is real?

  2. Did you have doubts about God's eternal power, knowledge and presence?

    What evidence helped you to see He is there and knows all about you and what will happen to you and the world?

  3. Did you ever have any doubts about God's love?

    What evidence helped you see God loves you and wants you to know Him and be with Him in Heaven?